M Tech or M E without GATE or Non-GATE

Dream of large section of engineering graduates is to do higher studies in their specializations. In this blog particularly I will concentrate on those who want to do M. Tech. or M. E. without valid GATE score(Non-GATE) However students with valid GATE sore have an idea about where to apply for higher studies(may be in IITs, NITs, IIITs, Central Universitites etc.,)

For those without GATE score the biggest hurdle is where to join next for higher studies as almost all the universities or institutions ask for the valid GATE score. For these students, there are also opportunities but the candidates should be open minded to look at. There are numerous deemed universities which offer M Tech or M E but be careful as some of them are derecognized by UGC. So before applying to them have a look at UGC website which will have updated list of recognized deemed universities.

Apart from these three South Indian states namely Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu also conducts PGCET for admissions into their post graduate programs.

Karnataka: For admissions to Post Graduate courses in Karnataka affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University will be conducted and based on the ranking obtained in it, the candidates will be given admissions. Refer to the website of VTU for more information. University website link – www.vtu.ac.in

Andhra Pradesh: For admissions to Post graduate courses in Andhra Pradesh are done based on the ranking of PGECET which will be conducted in Andhra Pradesh. Refer to the following link for more details – www.appgecet.nic.in or http://www.apschepgecet.net

Tamilnadu: For admissions to Post graduate courses in Tamilnadu are done on the raking of TANCET which will be conducted in Tamilnadu. The candidate can also submit the application by hand and get the hall ticket immediately after submission. Refer to the website for more details – www.annauniv.edu/tancet2011

1 comment:

  1. very good info...

    need to talk to u..

    add me .. deepak.zeus@gmail.com
